Exams Solutions

CS-4, Engineering Management

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  • Description
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This comprehensive package includes everything you need to ace your exams:

  • Solutions to the past two exam papers from 2019 or earlier—understand key patterns and recurring questions.
  • Expertly crafted study notes—condensed and easy-to-understand summaries to save you time.
  • Handpicked reference websites—giving you direct access to valuable external resources.
  • Online calculators—quick links to simplify calculations and save time during your preparation.
  • Printable Notes—downloadable tips, summary, formulas and notes.
  • Free access to Study Groups—join other user for discussions, and shared resources.
  • Exclusive access to a subject-specialized Chatbot—get 24/7 help from an AI trained to answer in your specific subject.

Access to Study Group:

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Access Duration: One year of access to ensure ample time for thorough preparation.

Email: support@examssolutions.ca  


Subject Outline / Syllabus:

Engineering is generally accomplished within a team and/or organisational context. Success depends as much on engineers’ abilities to communicate and collaborate in coordination with others as on their technical skills and knowledge. Engineers will struggle to apply their technical skills and expertise without developing key interpersonal, managerial and leadership competencies. Engineering management and leadership knowledge include: understanding the context and purpose of their organization, its customers, markets, and strategies; navigating organisational policies, practices, and norms; managing projects and processes; developing products, and services; balancing opportunity with risk and dealing with internally and externally imposed change; optimizing the use of human and financial resources; communicating with technical and non-technical audiences using oral, written, and visual means; collaborating with others through interpersonal interaction and teamwork; motivating and mentoring others through professionally relevant leadership; giving and receiving constructive and appreciative feedback and respectfully managing conflict; enhancing professional and social responsibility through everyday professional practice.

Textbooks (most recent edition is recommended):

Primary Text:

  • American Society for Mechanical Engineers. Guide to the Engineering Management Body of Knowledge, American Society for Mechanical Engineers.

Secondary Text:

  • Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK), Project Management Institute (pmi.org).
  • Kouzes & Posner. The Leadership Challenge, Jossey-Bass.

Secondary Text in French:

  • Guide du Corpus des Connaissance en Management de Projet (PMBOK), Project Management Institute (pmi.org).

Web Resources:

  • Keywords: Leadership, project management, engineering management, financial management, strategic management, resource management, operations management, engineering communications
  • Organizations: American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Canadian Society for Engineering Management, Project Management Institute, American Society for Engineering Management
  • BC Campus, https://open.bccampus.ca/browse-our-collection/find-open-textbooks/?uuid=8678fbae6724-454c-a796-3c6667d826be