Subject Outline / Syllabus: Engineering Economics refers to the application of economic principles in the analysis of alternatives in engineering
practice. Topics include theoretical and conceptual financial project analysis; types and applications of engineering economic decisions; capital, cash flow, and the time value of money concepts; nominal and effective interest rates when considering loans, mortgages, and bonds; the application of present worth analysis, annual equivalent analysis and rate of return analysis in evaluating independent projects; analyzing lease vs. buy alternatives and making decisions; after-tax financial analysis requires understanding of capital cost allowance (depreciation) and corporate income tax; understanding methods of financing and capital budgeting; break-even, sensitivity and risk analyses.
Textbooks (most recent edition is recommended):
Primary Text:
Fraser, Niall; Jewkes, Elizabeth; Pirnia, Mehrdad; Schmitt, Ketra. Engineering Economics: Financial Decision Making for Engineers, Canadian Edition, Pearson Education Canada.
Secondary Text:
Newnan, Donald G.; Jones, John; Whittaker, John; Eschenbach, Ted G.; Lavelle, Jerome P. Engineering Economic Analysis, Oxford University Press.
French Text:
Park, Chan S. Analyse Economique en Ingenierie, Editions du Renouveau Pedagogique.
Web Resources:
Keywords: engineering economics, cost engineering, financial analysis
Organizations: International Cost Engineering Council, Association of Cost Engineers, Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering
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